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LWGC Squad Success at the Winter Warmer Competition!

On Sunday 12th Feb LWGC took part in the Winter Magic 2023 Competition! Girls in our squad from aged 4yrs - 14yrs competed against many different clubs from around the country.

The tremendous skill and courage that our girls displayed this weekend was outstanding! Seeing them out there on the gym floor, being watched by hundreds of spectators took our breath away.

We are incredibly proud of every single competitor from LWGC, well done to you all for giving it 110%!

A massive thank you to the LWGC Coaches who not only put in so much time and effort to develop all of our gymnasts throughout the club but who voluntarily come to competitions with competitive gymnasts. It was a long day for them and we are so grateful to have you as part of the team.

An extra special shout out to those who placed Bronze/Silver or Gold in such a strong competition:

Round 1:

Category: Snowmen Red

Kara: 1st Overall, 3rd Vault, 1st Beam, 3rd Floor

Maisie: 3rd Overall, 2nd on Beam

Category: Penguins Green:

Amiyah 1st Beam

Category: Penguins Red:

Esme: 2nd overall, 1st Vault, 3rd Bars, 2nd Beam

India: 3rd Floor

Category: Penguins Yellow:

Tilly 3rd overall, 2nd Bars, 3rd Beam

Amelia: 2nd Vault

Category: Icicles Red

Indigo 1st Vault, 1st Beam, 3rd Floor

Willow 3rd Overall, 3rd Bars, 3rd Beam, 2nd Floor

Poppy 1st Floor

Category: Icicles Yellow

Eva 3rd Beam

Round 2:

Category: Penguins Aqua

Zahra 2nd Bars

Category: Penguins Blue

Sophia 2nd Bars

Category: Polar Bears Pink

Tilly 2nd Overall, 2nd Beam, 3rd Floor

Abi 3rd Vault

Round 3:

Category: Penguins Lilac

Mia 1st Floor

Category: Penguins Lime

Skylar 3rd Vault, 1st Floor

Category: Penguins Maroon

Anna 3rd Vault, 3rd Beam

Sienna 3rd overall, 2nd floor

Isla 3rd Floor

Category: Penguins Violet

Lorien 1st Vault, 3rd Bars, 3rd Floor

Category: Polar Bears Red

Kitty 2nd Floor

Merryn 3rd Vault

Category: Polar Bears Yellow

Stella 3rd Bars

LWGC 'Having Fun, Building Confidence, Celebrating Success'


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